#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # BEGIN SURETEC TAGGED BLOCK {{{ #============================================================================= # # FILE: create_dovecot_shares # # USAGE: create_dovecot_shares --help # # DESCRIPTION: Create Dovecot shares and put symlinks into user Maildir # # OPTIONS: --username # --group # --clean # --dry-run # --History # --share-with # --maildir # --home # --override # --prefix # --restore # --skip # --Version # --verbose # --man # --help # # REQUIREMENTS: Data::Dumper # File::Find # Fcntl # Getopt::Long # List::Util # Pod::Usage # POSIX # Term::ANSIColor # Storable # # BUGS: N/A # NOTES: N/A # AUTHOR: Gavin Henry (GH), # COMPANY: Suretec Systems Ltd. - http://www.suretecsystems.com # SUPPORT: # VERSION: 1.06 # CREATED: 26/05/06 # UPDATED: 01/11/06 # # CHANGES: # 01/11/06 - Added --home option to allow home base directory # to be somewhere else like /var/hosted/home etc. # - General doc cleanup # #============================================================================= # END SURETEC TAGGED BLOCK }}} # Untaint environment $ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'; $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/bash'; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; # Returned by Perl::MinimumVersion 0.13 require 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use File::Find; use Fcntl qw(:mode); use Getopt::Long; use List::Util qw(min); use Pod::Usage; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use Storable qw(nstore retrieve); # Unbuffer output $| = 1; # Normally use Readonly for this, but want to keep to Core Modules our $VERSION = '1.06'; our $SHARED = '/dovecot-shared'; our $PROGNAME = 'create_dovecot_shares'; our $SAVED = '/var/cache/dovecot_shares.hist'; our $HUMAN_RUN_DATE = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime; our $NOW = time; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard Suretec method for parsing program arguments # # "perldoc Getopt::Long" for more info #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- die "Sorry, you need to be the root user - Suretec.\n" if ( $< != 0 ); my %options; # Arrays for our options and one for tracking directories my ( @users, @share_with, @maildir, @skip, @change_perms_on, ); GetOptions( \%options, qw( group=s override dry-run prefix=s home=s restore:s History clean Version verbose help|? man ), 'username=s' => \@users, 'share-with=s' => \@share_with, 'maildir=s' => \@maildir, 'skip=s' => \@skip, ); pod2usage(1) if $options{help} or ( !keys %options ); pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $options{man}; print "This is $PROGNAME version $VERSION\n" if $options{Version}; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my %SAVE; # we only use $File::Find:name, so we set no_chdir here my %find_options = ( untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr{^([-+@\w\s&!\.\{\}#]+)$}, no_chdir => '1', wanted => \&emails_and_dirs, ); # Load previous save my $SAVE = retrieve("$SAVED") if -e $SAVED; # Reset counter my $run; if ( defined $SAVE->{counter} ) { # We only keep a history of 10 runs $SAVE->{counter} = 0 if $SAVE->{counter} == 10; # Track from the counter $run = $SAVE->{counter}; } # New run ++$run and ++$SAVE->{counter}; @share_with = split_args(@share_with); @users = split_args(@users); @maildir = split_args(@maildir); @skip = split_args(@skip); # Initialise directory and file start no. for save_previous my $dir_num = 0; my $file_num = 0; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we are checking the group we got passed #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $share_group; if ( $options{group} ) { die "Need username and user to share!\n" if ( !@share_with or !@users ); die "Group: '$options{group}' does not exist! (typo?)\n" if !defined getgrnam( $options{group} ); # getgrnam returns ($name, $passwd, $gid, $members) # i.e $group_details[0] is $name etc. etc. my @group_details = getgrnam( $options{group} ); # Check they are members for my $user (@users, @share_with) { # A user, by default is a member of their own group next if $group_details[0] eq $user; die "Username: '$user' is not a valid user!\n" if !defined getpwnam($user); die "User '$user' is not a member of the '$options{group}' group\n" if not $group_details[3] =~ m{$user}; } die "Refusing to create a dovecot share with the share group set to" . " 'root' (gid: $group_details[2])!\n" if $group_details[2] == 0; $share_group = $group_details[2]; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we start the actual share creation, checking home basename and groups #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @homes; # Use --home or default to /home my $homebase = $options{home} || '/home'; print BOLD GREEN, "Home basename is '$homebase'\n", RESET if $options{verbose}; if (@users) { die "Need users to share with!\n" if !@share_with; for my $u (@share_with) { die "Can not share with '$u': User '$u' does not exist! (typo?)\n" if !defined getpwnam($u); } die "Need to set group for shares! Please provide --group e.g." . " --group=sharedmail\n" if !$options{group}; @homes = map { $homebase . "/" . clean_user($_) } @users; # Clear the previous run of same number in memory from %SAVE delete $SAVE->{run}{$run}; find( \%find_options, @homes ); # this populates %SAVE if it's not # retreived above # We only want to use these Maildirs if passed if (@maildir) { for my $maildir (@maildir) { die "Maildir Directory: '$maildir' doesn't exist!\n" if -d !$maildir; create_share($maildir); } exit 0; } # $SAVE has been populated by File::Find for my $dir ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory} } ) { create_share( $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{name} ); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we are printing to STDOUT, everything in the History file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $options{History} ) { my $SAVE = retrieve($SAVED) if -e $SAVED or die "History file: '$SAVED' does not exist\n" . "Has $PROGNAME been run before?\n"; local $Data::Dumper::Varname = 'Dovecot-share History:'; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print Dumper($SAVE), "\n"; exit 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we are restoring from the history file on the file system #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( defined $options{restore} ) { # restore:s sets an empty string ''. my $SAVE = retrieve($SAVED) # so if no run passed, we restore if -e $SAVED # last run or die "History file: '$SAVED' does not exist\n" . "Has $PROGNAME been run before?\n"; my $restore; if ( $options{restore} =~ m{\d+} ) { $restore = $options{restore}; print "Restoring run: '$restore'\n"; } else { # Would use one of the various Date::* modules from # the CPAN here, but don't want to use any non-core # modules my @runs; for my $run_num ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run} } ) { push @runs, ( [ $run_num, $SAVE->{run}{$run_num}{restore_check_date} ] ); } my @elapsed_time; my %run_with; for my $time (@runs) { my $difference = $NOW - $time->[1]; # restore_check_date above $run_with{ $time->[0] } = $difference; # Save, to find run below push @elapsed_time, $difference; } my $last_run = min @elapsed_time; # Closest run to $NOW for my $to_restore ( keys %run_with ) { $restore = $to_restore if $run_with{$to_restore} == $last_run; # Find the run key } my $seconds = $last_run % 60; $last_run = ( $last_run - $seconds ) / 60; my $minutes = $last_run % 60; $last_run = ( $last_run - $minutes ) / 60; my $hours = $last_run % 24; $last_run = ( $last_run - $hours ) / 24; my $days = $last_run % 7; my $weeks = ( $last_run - $days ) / 7; print "Restoring the most recent run (run '$restore'), which was:\n" . " $weeks week/s, $days day/s, $hours hour/s," . " $minutes minute/s and $seconds second/s ago.\n"; } for my $dir ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory} } ) { if ( $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{name} ) { print BOLD GREEN, "***** DRY RUN *****\n", RESET; print BOLD GREEN, "Restoring $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{name}" . " with uid:" . " '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{uid}', " . "gid '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{gid}', " . "and mode '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{mode}'\n", RESET if $options{verbose}; restore_emails_and_dirs( $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{uid}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{gid}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{name}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{mode} ); } for my $file ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file} } ) { if ( $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {name} ) { print BOLD GREEN, "Restoring $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file}{name}" . " with uid:" . " '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file}{uid}', " . "gid '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file}{gid}', " . "and mode '$SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file}{mode}'\n", RESET if $options{verbose}; restore_emails_and_dirs( $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {uid}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {gid}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {name}, $SAVE->{run}{$restore}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {mode} ); } } } exit 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we are removing the history file on the file system #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $options{clean} ) { print "Are you sure you want to remove file: '$SAVED' ? [y/n (Enter to cancel)] "; chomp( my $answer = ); if ( $answer eq 'y' ) { unlink($SAVED) or die "Failed to delete '$SAVED': $!\n"; print "Deleted $SAVED\n"; exit 0; } else { print "Done.\n"; exit 0; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clean_user($username) # # Untaint a username, and check it's valid #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clean_user { my $unclean_user = shift; if ( $unclean_user =~ qr{^([-+@\w.]+)$} ) { my $clean = $1; return $clean; } else { die "Username: '$unclean_user' invalid!\n"; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clean_dir($dir) # # Untaint a directory #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clean_dir { my $unclean_dir = shift; my ($clean_dir) = $unclean_dir =~ /^([-+@\w.\/\s&!\.]+)$/; return $clean_dir; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clean_file($dir) # # Untaint a file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clean_file { my $unclean_file = shift; my ($clean_file) = $unclean_file =~ /^([-+@\w.\/\s,&!\.:=_]+)$/; return $clean_file; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # split_args(@args_to_split) # # Split up our commandline args - ghenry,john,james etc. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub split_args { my @to_split = @_; my @split = split( /,/, join( ',', @to_split ) ); return @split; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # restore_emails_and_dirs($uid, $group, $to_change, $mode) # # Function for restoring changes made during dovecot shares #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub restore_emails_and_dirs { my $uid = shift; my $group = shift; my $to_change = shift; my $mode = shift; return if $options{'dry-run'}; chown $uid, $group, $to_change or warn "Couldn't change ownership of '$to_change': $!\n"; chmod oct($mode), $to_change or warn "Couldn't change permissions of '$to_change': $!\n"; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # emails_and_dirs # # Callback for File::Find when creating dovecot shares #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub emails_and_dirs { # Only files in Maildir return if $File::Find::name !~ m{Maildir}; # No dovecot system files return if $File::Find::name =~ m{subscriptions|dovecot|public|control|index}; # No symlinks return if -l $File::Find::name; # Record permissions we have found right away my ( $mode, $uid, $gid ) = ( stat($File::Find::name) )[ 2, 4, 5 ]; $mode = sprintf "%04o", S_IMODE($mode); save_previous( $run, $File::Find::name, $mode, $uid, $gid ); return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_share($maildir) # # Main function for creating dovecot shares #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_share { my $dir = shift; # untaint $dir $dir =~ /^([-+@\w.\/\s&!\.\{\}#]+)$/; $dir = $1; # Grabbing the new, cur and tmp folders here push @change_perms_on, $dir; # We don't want to add a dovecot-shared to new, cur or tmp dirs return if $dir =~ m{(new|cur|tmp)$}; if ( ( -e $dir . $SHARED ) && !$options{override} ) { print BOLD GREEN, "***** DRY RUN *****\n", RESET if $options{'dry-run'}; print RED, "Directory: $dir already shared (try --override)," . " skipping!\n", RESET; } else { # Check for dirs to skip straight away if (@skip) { for my $skip (@skip) { return if $dir =~ m{$skip$}; } } print BOLD GREEN, "***** DRY RUN *****\n", RESET if $options{'dry-run'}; for my $u (@share_with) { print GREEN, "Sharing Maildir: $dir with user: '$u'\n", RESET; } return if $options{'dry-run'}; # Save to filesystem before we do anything, so we can # do a --restore in case we mess up. $SAVE is setup in # emails_and_dirs() nstore( $SAVE, $SAVED ) or die "Can't save history: $!\n"; # More untainting my $dovecot_file = clean_dir( $dir . $SHARED ); # Remove dovecot-shared, only if --override is set, as we enter # this branch if dovecot-shared exists if ( -e $dovecot_file ) { unlink $dovecot_file or die "Can't remove '$dovecot_file: $!\n"; } open my $DOVECOT_SHARED, ">>", $dovecot_file or die "Couldn't create $dovecot_file: $!\n"; close $DOVECOT_SHARED; if ( -e $dovecot_file && $options{verbose} ) { print "Created $dovecot_file\n"; } # pick off the owner of the dir and use that for all perm changes my $uid = ( stat($dir) )[4]; # untaint $uid $uid =~ /^([\d]+)$/; $uid = $1; # untaint $share_group $share_group =~ /^([\d]+)$/; $share_group = $1; # change perms on dirs and dovecot-shared for my $to_change ( $dir, $dovecot_file, @homes, @change_perms_on ) { change_perms( $uid, $to_change, $share_group ); } # change_perms on e-mails, so they can be read for my $dir ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory} } ) { for my $file ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file} } ) { change_perms( $uid, clean_file( $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file} {name} ), $share_group ); } } # create the symlink for my $user (@share_with) { for my $orig_user (@users) { my $prefix = $options{prefix} || ucfirst($orig_user); # grab the maildir my ($orig_maildir) = $dir =~ m{Maildir/(.*)$}; $orig_maildir = '.TOP-INBOX' if !defined $orig_maildir; # biiiiggggg concatenation :-( my $symlink = clean_dir( $homebase . $user . '/Maildir/.' . $prefix . $orig_maildir ); next if -l $symlink; # Don't create same symlink symlink $dir, $symlink or warn "Couldn't create symlink in '" . $homebase . $user . "/Maildir/': $!\n"; if ( -l $symlink && $options{verbose} ) { print "Symlink at: '$symlink'\n"; } } } } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # change_perms($uid, $to_change, $share_group) # # Function for changing File Permissions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub change_perms { my $uid = shift; my $to_change = shift; my $share_group = shift; print "Changing ownership and permissions of: $to_change" . " to: 'rwxrws--- $uid $share_group'\n" if $options{verbose}; chown $uid, $share_group, $to_change or warn "Couldn't change ownership of '$to_change': $!\n"; # can use 02770 here without oct, but keeps similarity between # command line chmod chmod oct(2770), $to_change or warn "Couldn't change permissions of '$to_change': $!\n"; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save_previous($run, $dir_or_file, $mode, $uid, $gid) # # Function for saving File Permissions etc. before making changes for the # Dovecot Shares #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub save_previous { my $run = shift; my $dir_or_file = shift; my $mode = shift; my $uid = shift; my $gid = shift; # Setup our dates $SAVE->{run}{$run}{run_date} = $HUMAN_RUN_DATE; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{restore_check_date} = $NOW; if ( -d $dir_or_file ) { ++$dir_num; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir_num}{dir}{name} = $dir_or_file; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir_num}{mode} = $mode; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir_num}{uid} = $uid; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir_num}{gid} = $gid; } elsif ( -f $dir_or_file ) { ++$file_num; for my $dir ( keys %{ $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory} } ) { if ( $dir_or_file =~ $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{name} ) { $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file_num} {name} = $dir_or_file; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file_num} {mode} = $mode; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file_num}{uid} = $uid; $SAVE->{run}{$run}{directory}{$dir}{dir}{file}{$file_num}{gid} = $gid; } } } else { return; } } # {{{ Documentation __END__ =pod =head1 NAME create_dovecot_shares - Create Dovecot shares and put symlinks into user Maildirs =head1 VERSION This document describes create_dovecot_shares version 1.06 =head1 SYNOPSIS [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares [OPTIONS] INPUT OPTIONS: --username Username/Usernames you want to share the Maildir of, comma seperated --group Group for Maildir share ownership --dry-run Doesn't make any changes, just shows what would happen --share-with List of users to share with (creates symlinks in their Maildir), comma seperated --maildir List of Maildirs to share, or all found in home directory if not specified, comma seperated. --home Where the home directories are, for use in a hosted environment. Defaults to /home is not specified --override Overrides all existing shares (dovecot-shared file and perms) if found --skip Skips existing share with same name if found, comma seperated --prefix Prefix for shares. Default is username.INBOX etc. --restore Restore to before changes. Takes a run number, e.g. 5 runs back OUTPUT OPTIONS: --History Prints Summary of last Create Share runs (we keep 10.) --clean Removes the dovecot_shares.hist file from F --Version Print program version --verbose Print in fine detail what is happening --help List this help --man List the full create_dovecot_shares manpage EXAMPLES: [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --username=ghenry --group=support --skip=/home/ghenry/Maildir,/home/ghenry/Maildir/.Sent --share-with=john,admin --dry-run [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --username=ghenry,john,jack --group=accounts --share-with=philip --override [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --username=ghenry --share-with=john --group=accounts --home=/var/hosted/home --prefix=OFFICE [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --username=ghenry --group=accounts --maildir=/home/john/Maildir/.Sent,/home/john/Maildir/.Drafts [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --restore 5 [root@suretec home]$ create_dovecot_shares --History =head1 DESCRIPTION Creating lots of F files, changing permissions and creating symlinks is a pain, especially when dealing with more than a handle of users. C helps. It modifies users home directories and Maildirs (permissions) for sharing via Dovecot, and creates symlinks into the Maildir you want the shares accessed from. There's even a C option, to roll back any changes you made with a history of 10 runs. See L<"SYNOPSIS"> for examples. Must be root. =head1 README Creating lots of F files for the Dovecot IMAP Server, changing permissions and creating symlinks is a pain, especially when dealing with more than a handle of users. create_dovecot_shares helps =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT This script requires no configuration files or environment variables. It does set: $ENV{'PATH'}= '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'; $ENV{'SHELL'}= '/bin/bash'; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; =head1 PREREQUISITES =over =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =head1 OSNAMES linux =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Mail =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to C or call the number on L. =head1 AUTHOR Gavin Henry, C<< >> =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006, Suretec Systems Ltd. L Copyright (c) 2006, Gavin Henry, C<< >>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL V2. See perldoc L. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF =begin pod_to_ignore # }}}