TLMHOST Variable Setup
In order for Tecplot 360 to contact the License Manager daemon, it looks for the TLMHOST environment variable. Set TLMHOST equal to @hostname,
where hostname is the name or IP address of the host where the License ManÂager daemon is running.
TLMHOST must be set for all users of Tecplot 360, on any machine where the software will be executed. Set this environment variable in each user's .cshrc, .profile or .bash_profile file via one of the following commands:
- For users running the Bourne, Korn or Bash shell, enter the folÂlowing line into your .profile file (Bourne or Korn) or .bash_profile file. ; export TLMHOST
TEC360HOME=/usr/local/softs/tecplot360 ; export TEC360HOME
- For users running the C shell, enter the following line into your .cshrc file.
setenv TLMHOST