Some user those who are not familiar with Linux can use GUI environment of CentOS Linux distribution.
CentOS with KDE, GNOME desktop environment are most popular among Linux users.
While compiling a program or using some advanced features of Linux need command line access.
Following commands from Linux terminal application may help users.
Open the terminal program from Applications menu.
- pwd : Present working directory of user.
- cd : Changes directory. By default it will go to users home directory.
- cd temp : Move into a directory with name temp.
- mkdir temp : Create a directory with name temp.
- rmdir temp : Delete the directory if it is empty.
- ls : List all files in present directory.
- ls -al : List all files inducing all hidden file and show file and directory attributes.
- touch filename1 : create a file named file
- cat file : show content of a file on terminal.
- more filename : show content of a file on terminal one page at a time.
- rm filename1 : Delete a file interactively.
- cp filename1 filename2 : Copy a file.
- mv filename1 filename2 : rename a file.
- zip folder : create a zip file by compressing a folder named folder.
- unzip : Extract the zip file content to current directory.
- du -sh : show current disk space used by the current directory.
- tar -czvf myfolder.tar.gz folder : create a tar.gz compressed file from a folder named folder.
- tar -zxvf myfolder.tar.gz : Extract the content of tar.gz file to current directory.
- tar -cjvf myfolder.tar.bz2 folder : create a tar.bz2 compressed file from a folder named folder.
- tar -jxvf myfolder.tar.bz2 : Extract the content of tar.bz2 file to current directory.
- bc : use Linux command line calculator. exit by typing quit.
- date : Presnt date and time in current machine.
- head filename : Show top 10 lines from the file content.
- tail -20 filename : show last 20 lines from the file content.